Suburban train connection for Jülich
The local transport project ‘Suburban Train Connection in the Rhineland Region’ has been included as an important item in the project list of the Structural Strengthening Act.
“With the inclusion of the Revier-S-Bahn project in the Structural Strengthening Act, Jülich has the opportunity to be directly connected to the rail network towards Aachen, Cologne, and Düsseldorf again. The city will have a stop in the Rhineland region between Aachen and Bedburg, where passengers can transfer towards Cologne.”
A well-developed and attractive local rail transport offering is a crucial foundation for mobility in the Rhineland region and, consequently, for the successful transformation of the region.
When implementation will take place, meaning when the first trains will start rolling, is still unclear. Like all structural strengthening projects, the ‘Revierbahn’ must also go through the normal planning process – albeit with the highest priority.
If the implementation occurs, Jülich would reconnect with the ‘good times’ before the 1980s, before the connections were largely dismantled. This would be an important factor for structural development in the context of the phase-out of lignite mining, a basis for attracting new residents – keyword growth initiative – and fostering optimal connectivity.