
How to Bürgerbüro: A Guide

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To handle any matters at the Bürgerbüro, you need an appointment. You can book this appointment through the official website or at the information desk at the city hall.
For foreign residents, registration is essential. Without it, services cannot be accessed. When registering, you must present a Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung (landlord confirmation). This registration certificate, or Meldebescheinigung, is required for all services provided by the immigration office.
If you need a police clearance certificate (Führungszeugnis) for a job or other purposes, you must apply for it specifically. Note that this document is only valid for six months.
Once you’re registered, your information will be shared with other relevant offices (such as the tax office, school administration, social services, etc.), and they will contact you if they need further details.
All identity documents from non-EU countries must be in English or provided with an officially certified German translation.
For any questions, you can reach out via email at

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*Dividing people into age groups provides a useful way of organizing and matching interests and activities. This allows like-minded people with similar life experiences and needs to come together to encourage social interaction and shared activities. However, it should be noted that this categorization is not always universally valid, as we humans have different interests and preferences. For example, a toddler may also enjoy senior bingo. Nevertheless, we have not grouped this activity into this category. The categorization only serves as a guidance!

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