
Culture station

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The heart of culture in Jülich: the Kulturbahnhof was opened in 1996 as a socio-cultural center. Since then, the “KuBa” has become the city’s event space for music, theater, readings, customs, lectures and discussions. As Managing Director Cornel Cremer puts it: “The building has evolved as the visitors have evolved and their demands have changed. In this way, the former “punk rock shed” has become a cultural center for all generations.”

Kultur im Bahnhof (KiB) is the name of the association that not only runs the venue, but also organizes events. The KuBa hall, which used to be the entrance and passageway to the tracks, can accommodate up to 500 people without seating. The old pub is available for smaller events. In summer, the beer garden is used as an open-air stage.

The stage cannot be booked – as a theater stage of the city’s cultural office and the local amateur drama ensembles – and each year a separate program is developed. There are over 30 concerts, around 15 cabaret performances, dance, show and party events from Tanz i den Mai to Schüttelfest and xmas-Coming-Home.

The KulturBahnhof has been running an arthouse cinema since 2003. For almost as long, it has received great recognition from the NRW Film Foundation. Films are now usually shown on Mondays and Tuesdays, and children’s films every two weeks. In addition, there is a film breakfast and other offers in cooperation.

For one month in summer, an open-air cinema is held on Fridays in Brückenkopf Park.

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*Dividing people into age groups provides a useful way of organizing and matching interests and activities. This allows like-minded people with similar life experiences and needs to come together to encourage social interaction and shared activities. However, it should be noted that this categorization is not always universally valid, as we humans have different interests and preferences. For example, a toddler may also enjoy senior bingo. Nevertheless, we have not grouped this activity into this category. The categorization only serves as a guidance!

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