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Punk instead of pomp. Trunk instead of punk. A community of people that acts like an association, but with the suffix n.e.V. in its name – not a registered association. The Café Cholera KarnevalsGesellschaft has existed since 1988 and should be called n.i.n.e.V. – but it still isn’t… It is a little more shrill, morbid and rockier than its traditional friends and yet – born out of an anarchic approach in the punk scene – the CCKG has long been a permanent fixture in the Jülich carnival. Carnival Saturday is now traditionally reserved for the Trunksitzung.

The session, which is actually a “stand-up”, has been held at Jülich’s Kulturbahnhof since 1997. The jolly CCKG family has grown steadily over the years – this way and that, because “home-grown” members have long been on board the ship of fools, and the “fans” ensure that tickets for the Trunksitzung are sold in no time at all, just like at a rock concert. They now have a whole repertoire of their own song versions of well-known hits, which the jesters sing along to diligently. It’s almost always about drinking and the procession through the pubs – often in connection with the club colors. “Blue and white – we’re broke again. Who’s going to pay for our beer now?” is just one question. However, “free beer” is only available musically. Only a fool would believe that ambiguity does not also have its place. Keyword: Bernd Pflaumen Flücken. Sound and film carriers were also produced “once”. YouTube now solves the problem. Here, even the Prinzengarde has its own channel and pours “11 Mochito”, “Liköre” and “BierLea” in this way, with powerful images and sound and always with the CCKG family as moving extras.

Uwe Mock and Axel Fuchs have served as presidents for three decades. The front men have now outgrown the punk scene, are fathers of adolescent and adult children and have long since established themselves – both professionally and socially. The next generation has been launched. Since 2018, David Ningelgen and Claudio D’Orsaneo have taken over the vocal parts, and the “Kleine Garde” has also performed alongside the Mariechen and “Fernsehballett” – but only ever for the proclamation and before 10 p.m.: the topic of child protection.

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*Dividing people into age groups provides a useful way of organizing and matching interests and activities. This allows like-minded people with similar life experiences and needs to come together to encourage social interaction and shared activities. However, it should be noted that this categorization is not always universally valid, as we humans have different interests and preferences. For example, a toddler may also enjoy senior bingo. Nevertheless, we have not grouped this activity into this category. The categorization only serves as a guidance!

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