
Jülich provides exercise. The interesting area near the city between the Rurauen and Sophienhöhe is ideal for jogging, hiking, swimming and leisure riding. Those who prefer to be active in an organized community can choose from around 70 different sports clubs in Jülich and its districts: Anglers will find their home here, as will martial artists and lawn sports enthusiasts, and there is even a darts club and dance club that can be practiced under supervision or as a competition.

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News on the topic Sport

Established in America and also at home in Jülich: baseball. The two-team bat-and-ball game has its playing field in Barmen. There are now almost 30,000 active players across Germany. The ladies play a variant called softball. The Jülich Dukes – whose name refers to the old Duchy of Jülich – offer this sport for men, women, young people and children.
The Research Center's company sports association is the club with the most members and stands for popular sports. Even though the BSG has grown out of the FZJ workforce, it is open to all sports enthusiasts. There are only two exceptions: The “active lunch break” and a running group during the lunch break are offered in addition to the after-work…
Dance Sport
Movement to music can be very diverse. It is practiced in Jülich as a competition-oriented show and guard dance, for personal fitness and also in the square. In addition to the StarContest for carnival dance groups, the Summer Dance for square dancers also takes place regularly in Jülich. Anyone who wants to become active in the club can choose from…
Always having the target in sight is one of the most important characteristics of the throwing sport. In addition to the pub activity, which is offered in selected venues, darts is also available as a competitive sport in clubs. The United Kingdom is considered the motherland of darts. However, the term darts originates from France, where darts – small spear-like…
The ball is round and the game lasts 90 minutes. This is how the former German national coach Sepp Herberger described football. Over 10 clubs in Jülich offer the team sport in the town center and the surrounding villages. A number of joint teams have been formed in order to continue competing. Germania Lich-Steinstraß plays in the highest class in…
The indoor and outdoor swimming pools offer swimming enthusiasts the opportunity to exercise in the water all year round. The local quarry pond in Barmen can be used free of charge. In the summer months, there is a separate area for swimmers. Swimming as a club sport is also possible in Jülich.
Table Tennis
Table tennis emerged towards the end of the in – in Jülich, the sport has been recorded as a club activity for over 100 years. A ball sport that ranges from a leisure activity to Bundesliga quality in the ducal city. In the city center, TTC Jülich teams regularly play second league matches in the Nordhalle. Table tennis is also…
For a long time, the white sport was considered elitist. Since Boris Becker and Steffi Graf at the latest, tennis has become popular with the general public. It has been an Olympic sport since 1988. Seven clubs offer this sport in Jülich and its districts. The city championships are regularly held on the club grounds of Rot-Weiß-Jülich on Stadionweg.

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Jogging by the Rur.

For personal running training—either before or after work—there are routes available in Jülich right from your doorstep: those living in the villages can always…

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