
Jülich is a city with a history of constant change and renewal. From its early Roman settlements, Jülich has repeatedly reinvented itself: in the Middle Ages, it became an important center and a powerful fortress, remnants of which still bear witness to that era. After the destruction in World War II, Jülich faced a radical new beginning, but through rebuilding efforts and the resilience of its people, a vibrant city emerged.

The founding of the Research Center marked the start of a modern era, establishing Jülich as an internationally recognized hub for science and innovation. The history of Jülich thus illustrates how a city can blend transformation and progress over centuries.

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Two thousand years ago, the Romans founded Jülich. The ancient Juliacum was exactly a day’s journey from the Roman metropolis of Colonia and the…

There are no ordinary jobs in Jülich.
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Discover countless job opportunities now on jübs, the local career portal. Find your dream job in a user-friendly way and realize your professional goals. Jübs connects you with top employers and opens doors to exciting career opportunities in and around Jülich.

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