
Jülich has a tradition of looking to the future since its founding 2000 years ago: as a Roman station between Cologne and Bologne sur Mere, it became the first center of trade. In the mid-1600s, the town was given the most modern face of its time with the most modern fortress. The city took consistent steps in changing mobility (railroad repair works), as well as energy transition and science with nuclear research, solar energy and biotechnology and the structural change of today.

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It's diversity that makes the difference and is a trademark of Jülich. Pedagogical concepts and individual choices characterize the school and kindergarten landscape. Elementary school with traditional year group teaching as well as flexible school entry phases are available, while church and state providers set the tone in education. The municipal hospital with its emergency practice is a special feature…
“Modern research city” is part of Jülich's brand name. Science has been at home in Jülich not only since Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ, then still known as KFA) was established in 1956. Today, the local companies include six interdisciplinary research institutes on the Jülich campus of Aachen University of Applied Sciences

There are no ordinary jobs in Jülich.
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Discover countless job opportunities now on jübs, the local career portal. Find your dream job in a user-friendly way and realize your professional goals. Jübs connects you with top employers and opens doors to exciting career opportunities in and around Jülich.

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Sophienhöhe In the middle of the flat Jülich countryside, an artificial mountain rises to almost 300 meters above sea level. The Sophienhöhe, called the…

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